Monday, September 18, 2006

Japanese Women Looking for Korean Men

My favorite article this weekend was the story about how the Japanese women are paying thousands to go to Korea and date Korean men because they think “Winter Sonata” is for real. They seriously think the Korean men are all buff and romantic and hold the torch for you for years. Are these the same men who throw chairs at each other in the Korean parliament? Would Kim Jong-Il be considered a “Seoul-mate”? I have cried less my entire life than the lead actor in “Stairway to Heaven”. The only American man who would be caught dead wearing a fur coat like the actor in “Memories of Bali” is Grizzly Adams, and that was because he skinned it himself. I haven’t seen as much pastel color in clothing since Barry Manilow was in his “Copacabana” phase.

So here would be my top ten American male fantasies, based on the movies they were in:

  1. Tom Hanks in “Sleepless in Seattle”: yup, he grieves over his wife for years and the only way he will date again is if his cyber-date leaves her boyfriend at the hotel and shows up at the top of the Empire State Building, holding a teddy bear.

  1. David Duchovny in “Return to Me”: only asks women if they’d like to go out when they are wearing a shower cap. And then only if they have his dead wife’s heart to boot.

  1. Tom Cruise in “Jerry Maguire”: you complete me? What are you, a 5,000 piece puzzle? I liked you better when you were a work in progress.

  1. Tom Hanks in “You’ve Got Mail”: puts you out of business then he steals your heart. Must work at Walmart.

  1. Brad Pitt in “Thelma and Louise”: make sure you hit the ATM before he stays over so he has plenty to steal.

  1. The Beast in “Beauty and the Beast”: nothing turns me on like access to a library.


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